TORM expects all employees and business partners to comply with the laws and regulations of the communities in which we operate. Our employees are expected to comply with TORM’s Business Principles and with the policies imposed by the TORM's management at all times.
TORM also expects all employees to help protect the interests of TORM by raising concerns of known or suspected breaches of the Business Principles and policies. Concerns should be raised with their superior officer(s).
Instances may occur, where an employee assesses that a concern cannot be raised with the superior officer(s) or that a concern is not satisfactorily addressed by the superior officer(s). In such cases, the employee is encouraged to raise the concern using TORM's whistleblower setup, which is managed by Whistleblower Service Provider (WSP), in this case an external independent lawyer's office solicited by the Board of Directors to receive and process concerns and claims relating to TORM raised by TORM employees, business partners, or anyone else.
The WSP will protect the identity of people raising concerns, as described in our Whistleblower Charter. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you may file a report by telephone, by letter, or by sending an encrypted mail to:
The Whistleblower Service Provider for TORM:
Holst, Advokater
Att.: Jakob Schmidt
Hans Broges Gade 2
DK-8100 Århus C
Call 45 89 34 00 00
Send an email at