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We stand by our commitments, supporting the communities of our employees worldwide

TORM’s commitment to ethical standards has direct consequences for our business. As a major employer in the product tanker market, these standards also contribute to our industry’s ongoing improvement. Respect for human rights, fair labor conditions, workplace diversity, and transparent commercial practices underpin our business worldwide. In the countries where we hire most of our employees, TORM follows through on its support for quality education with a range of concrete activities.

Zero Tolerance of Corruption and Bribery

TORM does not accept corrupt business practices, which, in addition to hindering free trade and fair competition, have a very negative impact on social and economic development. As a co-founder of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), TORM combats corrupt practices locally and internationally.

Fair Labor Practices

TORM maintains full compliance with the International Labor Organization’s Maritime Labor Convention. All vessels under TORM’s technical management are regularly audited and certified, as required by the Convention, and no claims or offenses have been reported to date.


Scholars supported by TORM and our education foundations in 2023


TORM recognizes its obligation to customers, shareholders, and employees to hire talent irrespective of gender, religion, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, or disabilities, and we do not accept discrimination with respect to any of the above.

Supporting Quality Education

Further to our commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education, TORM actively contributes to educational programs in the countries that provide many of our maritime and office-based employees.

In the Philippines, the TORM Philippines Education Foundation provides support for both maritime and general education, including training courses for teachers, four-year training programs for scholars, and distribution of IT equipment and school kits for students in rural schools. In addition, hundreds of Filipino seafarers have advanced their careers through TORM’s cadet program.

In India, TORM partners with a range of NGOs to provide better school buildings and basic equipment for thousands of students every year. TORM also works with NGOs to help students attend school by paying for tuition, school supplies, and certain living expenses.

In addition to TORM’s Graduate program, TORM also offers Trainee positions and Internships to students from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in India, the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Copenhagen Business School and the Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering & Technology Management in Denmark.


“Commercial success comes with social responsibility. TORM is committed to supporting quality education in the communities where we operate and to maintaining high ethical standards throughout our business operations.”

Jacob Meldgaard

CEO / Executive Director

Jacob Meldgaard